Coding Scripts

This page is dedicated to coding lua scripts



An IDE is a very important part of coding. It keeps your workspace clean and has syntax highlighting, which colors parts of your code to make it easy to identify them.

Some IDE's good for coding scripts are

I personally use VsCode because of its simplicity and customizability.

Coding scripts

To start coding scripts you need to think about what you want your script to achieve. The majority of lua scripts made in fatality will need these things

  • Render instance

  • Config instance

  • Menu instance

  • Callback instance

Next, use this site's documentation to learn about how fatality's lua API works.

Code snippets

Code snippets are used to auto-fill in code patterns

Download snippets. Place that file in "C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets" Watch tutorial.

Last updated